

EDIT:  Here's how it breaks down with the Atron, a ship that should be very straightforward to fit for, but actually becomes more complicated every time I look at it. I've rewritten this section maybe four times now. Each time I think I've got the fits sorted, more advice comes in about the best / skill optimal / cheapest ways of fitting the Atron, and I've been back to the drawing board to test and refine.

Then there's the definition of a 'derptron' itself. Consensus is that it should be the best VFM attrition frigate possible, with every mod carefully balancing stats vs cost to deliver something that's the optimum DPS / EHP for ISK. Something that can be lobbed into battle, preferably in packs, then when it dies, can be reshipped again and again - giving you around 7-8 frigates for the price of a normal, T2 equipped ship.

The trouble is that the 'best' cheap Derptron fits  - the ones costing around 1.5m to 2m ISK - are pretty skill intensive. The 'better', mostly T2 equipped fits are less taxing on the SP front, but more expensive, and hence less 'derpy'. Or not derpy at all, as only the cheapest Derptron is, well, a Derptron. The others are just Atrons. So I've changed the names as well.

So, for the avoidance of doubt, and to clear up the earlier fitting fiasco and calm down the whole debate, here's the skinny as I see it. Thanks to everyone who argued for their preferred fit, but it's come down to three modified fits in ascending order of cost:

[DERPTRON - CHEAP SOLO PVP BRAWLER]: The cheapest at around 1.5m ISK, but - paradoxically - very skill intensive. A perfect attrition frigate, possibly the best value frigate in the game, but only if you've got the SPs for it.

[NORMALTRON - SOLO PVP BRAWLER]: Costs about 4.5m ISK, moderate but not mental fitting requirements, decent performance. A good starting Atron, especially for offensive plexing.

[PROTRON - HIGH DPS BRAWLER]: Fairly high skill requirements, costs about 11.5m isk, but solid performance across the board.

The kiting atrons stay as they are, thankfully. Gathering dust, no doubt. Do try them.


Limited Light Ion Blaster I / Federation Navy Antimatter S
Limited Light Ion Blaster I / Federation Navy Antimatter S
Limited Light Ion Blaster I / Federation Navy Antimatter S

Upgraded 1MN Microwarpdrive I
Medium Subordinate Screen Stablizer I
Initiated Harmonic Warp Scrambler I

Damage Control I
Micro Auxiliary Power Core I
Magnetic Field Stabilizer I

Small Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I
Small Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer I
Small Anti-Kinetic Screen Reinforcer I

All skills at V:

EHP: 4509.7
DPS: 129 / 149 with heat
Speed:  3700 m/s
Capacitor: stable at 52.8%
Optimal range:  1km
Cost:  1.5m ISK approx

This is a cheap but high-skill brawling fit that can fight solo in plexes, or in fleets, where MWD is generally preferred. I've wrestled with many, many alternative fits, including ones where you swap out the MagStab for a Mark I Generator Refitting: Diagnostic System or similar meta Power Core Diagnostic mod, and lob light Neutrons on. Although there's not much in it, this version slightly edges it for value and performance. At least until someone gets in touch with an even better version.

How to fly it
  • Overheat your guns, turn on the MWD, approach your enemy, activate the warp scrambler and web when in range, press fire, pray.  


Anode Light Ion Particle Cannon / Federation Navy Antimatter S
Anode Light Ion Particle Cannon / Federation Navy Antimatter S
Anode Light Ion Particle Cannon / Federation Navy Antimatter S

Medium Subordinate Screen Stabilizer I
Upgraded 1MN Microwarpdrive I
J5b Phased Prototype Warp Scrambler I

F85 Peripheral Damage System I
Micro Aux Power Core I
Power Diagnostic System I

Small Ancillary Current Router I
Small Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I
Small Hybrid Burst Aerator I

All skills at V:

EHP: 4309.7
DPS: 130 / 149 with heat
Speed:  3700 m/s
Capacitor: stable at 58.8%
Optimal range:  1km
Cost:  4.5m ISK approx

It's not dramatically better than the cheap, high-skill derptron, but a lot easier to get into. Still, at only 4.5m ISK it's not a terrible ship for fleeting about in, or plexing.

How to fly it
  • Overhead your guns, turn on the MWD, approach your enemy, activate the warp scrambler and web when in range, press fire.
If you develop a taste for Atron-things, and your skills are up to the task, treat yourself to this...


Light Ion Blaster II / Federation Navy Antimatter S
Light Ion Blaster II / Federation Navy Antimatter S
Light Ion Blaster II / Federation Navy Antimatter S

Limited 1MN Microwarpdrive I
Medium Shield Extender II
J5b Phased Prototype Warp Scrambler I

Pseudoelectron Containment Field I
Micro Auxiliary Power Core II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II

Small Hybrid Burst Aerator I
Small Core Defense Field Extender I
Small Core Defense Field Extender I

All skills at V: 

EHP: 5320.7
DPS: 181 / 208 with overheating.
Speed:  3700 m/s
Capacitor: Stable at 54.0%
Optimal range:  937m
Cost:  11.5m ISK approx

Again, there are a million different combinations of advanced Derptron fittings, some favouring shields and others with armour tanks. After a lot of debate and faffing about, shield-tanked is the way to go. This is a solid fit for the money, slightly balanced towards tank than gank - enabling you to absorb a bit of damage as you get the guns into range. These are designed for throwing at the enemy, delivering as much DPS as possible and trying not to die.  It’s a mini-destroyer. And it's cap stable.

How to fly it
  • Overhead your guns, turn on the MWD, approach your enemy etc etc. You know the drill by now, hopefully.


125mm Railgun II / Federation Navy Iridium S
125mm Railgun II / Federation Navy Iridium S
125mm Railgun II / Federation Navy Iridium S

Warp Disruptor II
Tracking Disruptor II / Optimal Range or Tracking Speed disruption script
Limited 1MN Microwarpdrive I

Overdrive Injector System II
Tracking Enhancer II
Tracking Enhancer II

Small Hybrid Burst Aerator I
Small Polycarbon Engine Housing I
Small Polycarbon Engine Housing I

A few mags of Federation Navy Antimatter S

All skills at V: 

EHP: 1602.2
DPS: 60 / 70 with overheating.
Speed:  4499 m/s
Capacitor:  lasts 6m 20s
Optimal range:  18-18.5km
Cost:  9.8m ISK approx

Let’s cut to the chase - this is about as extreme as kites get. The Atron is already one of the fastest and agile T1 frigates out there – this fit takes things to the max.  A speed of 4,499 m/s, without heat, plus the natural agility of the Atron, makes this as quick and as nimble as a hummingbird, hence the moniker.

However, there will be fights you simply can’t win, because your DPS can’t overcome your enemies’ tank - especially if they have reppers.  And the bad news is that the Hummingbird fit has literally no tank at all, so you have to be extremely careful when flying it not to get caught.

But it is possible to win fights with this fit – if you take the approach it’s a marathon, not a sprint.  It has quite a lot of cap.  It just takes a long, long, long time.  Pack loads of ammo – at least 2,000 rounds.  And be careful…

How to fly it
  • Set keep at distance and orbit to 18,500m.
  • Activate MWD and get the WDII on your enemy as soon as possible.
  • Start by orbiting to see what you’re up against.  AB / web / scram fit?  Great – keep at range and plink away.  Drones?  Keep orbiting, switch to antimatter and take them out.  Missiles or artillery? Keep orbiting – they shouldn’t be doing much damage.
  • Then the Tracking Disruptor comes into play.  Start with Optimal Range Disruption script, and see how that goes down with your opponent’s range.  If you’re still getting caught – take it out again.  Or switch to the Tracking Speed script.
  • It is possible that your opponent will simply run out of ammo, or cap.  Just keep plinking away.
  • For most normal kites, you have to be alert for a ‘slingshot’ move.  In this, you can afford to take it easier.  If you’re against a really fast kite, and they’re overheating (look at your overview and check their velocity), you can overheat the WDII to get an extra 4km of range to play with.
  • If things go pear shaped, just overheat the MWD – giving you 6,429ms – and burn away.
Poor skills - or just ISK poor in general - and want to try out a kite?  Give this a spin...


150mm Compressed Coil I / Federation Navy Lead S
150mm Compressed Coil I / Federation Navy Lead S
150mm Compressed Coil I / Federation Navy Lead S

Limited 1MN Microwarpdrive I
Warp Disruptor II

F-aQ Phase Code Tracking Subroutines
F85 Peripheral Damage System I
Power Diagnostic I

Small Hybrid Locus Coordinator I
Small Hybrid Collision Accelerator I
Small Ancillary Current Router I

400 x Federation Navy Antimatter in the hold.

All skills at III: 

EHP: 2224.5
DPS: 43, rising to a bowel-shattering 51 when overheated
Speed:  3171 m/s
Capacitor: Stable at 35.8%
Optimal range:  18km
Cost:  5m ISK approx.

This fits with all relevant skills at level 3, and is just enough to give you a taste for proper Warp Disruptor kiting.  The Atron is pretty fast, which really helps this kiting setup work.

Try to target only Afterburner frigates – ideally those fitted with blasters , short range rockets or other slow, slender-distanced weapons.  You have a paper thin tank on this, so you definitely don’t want to get caught by web / scram ships as you will get eviscerated quite quickly.

It is also cap stable, which is just as well as this ship only does 43 DPS.  It is going to take a loooooong time to finish someone off in this.  But against the right opponent, it does work.

How to fly it

  • Set your Orbit and Keep At Range at 18,000m. 
  • Activate your MWD, get it within about 20km of the enemy ship, then activate the Warp Disruptor II.  This has a total range of 24km, so with your range set to 18km and being fairly fast, you have some wriggle room to play with as you try to keep the long point on.
  • Start with Keep At Range.  If you are indeed facing a short-ranged weapon ship, just switch the 150’s on and plink away.
  • With luck, you’ll be facing a ship equipped with an Afterburner only.  Keep an eye on his velocity in your overview – if he’s not really going much above 1,000m/s, you’re in luck.
  • If he fires drones at you, immediately switch to Orbit, load the Antimatter and focus on shooting them down.  Once they’re dead, go back to Keep At Range.
  • If you’re taking more damage than you’re dishing out with Keep At Range, try switching to Orbit.  It will mean you’re also dealing less damage, but if you’re still taking more than you’re dishing, probably time to run.
  • If you’re facing another kite, then unless you’ve learned Thermodynamics and can overheat your modules, the chances are that he will put his WDII on you – and be able to keep you there.  And there’s a more than evens chance his weapons are more powerful than yours at the optimal range.  But how do you do this, if he’s locked you up and the WD is on?  By slingshotting…
  • Here’s how to slingshot.  If you can overheat your MWD, now is the time to do it.  Stop your ship completely.  His will also stop as hopefully tries to keep you at WD range.  Move towards him (or click approach) with your MWD on.  His ship will try to move away to keep range.  Then, with the MWD still on, try to move 180 degrees in the opposite direction – away from him.  This should ideally all be done in one smooth move.  If you’ve executed it correctly, there will be a brief window where you are more than 24km away from him.  Warp!  Spam warp to the nearest thing in the direction you’re facing:  gate, planet, station, whatever.


  1. When you say "All skills", what skill are you referring to?

    1. Assuming you have all skills researched to level 5

  2. Bro, i want you to check this
    [Atron, Atron Fast glasscannon fit]

    Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
    Nanofiber Internal Structure II
    IFFA Compact Damage Control

    5MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive
    Initiated Compact Warp Scrambler
    X5 Enduring Stasis Webifier

    Light Neutron Blaster II, Void S
    Light Neutron Blaster II, Void S
    Light Neutron Blaster II, Void S
    [Empty High slot]

    Small Anti-Explosive Pump I
    Small Hybrid Collision Accelerator I
    Small Trimark Armor Pump I

    DPS (Overheated):284
    Speed: 3714
    Optimal range: 1.69km
    Cost:11 million (approx.)

    NOTE: When all skills are at lvl 5
