


Anode Light Ion Particle Cannon / Federation Navy Antimatter S
Anode Light Ion Particle Cannon / Federation Navy Antimatter S
Anode Light Ion Particle Cannon / Federation Navy Antimatter S

Limited 1MN Afterburner I
J5b Phased Prototype Warp Scrambler
X5 Prototype Engine Enervator

F85 Peripheral Damage System I
200mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I
Small Ancillary Armor Repairer / Nanite Repair Paste
Gauss Field Balancer

Small Anti-Explosive Pump I
Small Hybrid Burst Aerator I
Small Processor Overclocking Unit I

Hobgoblin I x 1

All skills at III:

EHP: 4048.4
DPS: 119 / 135 with heat.
Speed:  834 m/s
Capacitor lasts: 1m
Optimal range:  826m
Cost:  5.8m ISK approx.

This is a low-skill noobship you can grow with, promoting it through the meta-levels of modules until you’re fully Tech 2 fitted.  It’s a close range brawler, so in a plex you need to catch your opponent as soon as they warp in. 

The Incursus has a tidy 7.5% bonus to armor repairer effectiveness, and although the paste is expensive, in shorter fights the Small Ancillary Armor Repairer wins out over the Small Armor Repairer.  It reps 191 armor HP every 5.1 seconds, the equivalent of 70.1 EHP/s for as long as the paste lasts, before dropping to a repair rate of 64HP every 5.1 seconds.

If you can overheat, then start the fight with at least your guns and the repper pre-heated and ready to go.

It has a full suite of rigs, so not the cheapest noobship, but you can win 1v1 PvP fights with this – especially if you can catch kites as they warp in.

How to fly it
  • Pre-heat your guns and the SAAR.  Pre-load the afterburner.
  • Pop your drone out, set to aggressive.
  • As soon as you can, press approach and get lock, the scram and the web on your opponent.  You may need to overheat your afterburner to do this.
  • Press fire from about 4km away.
  • Start up the SAAR when you are dropping deep into shield damage and on the cusp of going into armour.  Don’t leave it until you’re well into armour – get it working as early as possible as it will almost certainly struggle to keep up.


125mm Railgun II / Antimatter Charge S
125mm Railgun II / Antimatter Charge S
125mm Railgun II / Antimatter Charge S

1MN Afterburner II
Faint Epsilon Warp Scrambler I
X5 Prototype Engine Enervator

Pseudoelectron Containment Field I
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
200mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I
Small Ancillary Armor Repairer / Nanite Repair Paste

Small Hybrid Locus Coordinator I
Small Anti-Explosive Pump I
Small Hybrid Collision Accelerator I

Hobgoblin II x 1

A spare mag or four of Spike S

All skills at V: 

EHP: 4497 with rep rate of 90.2 EHP/s using the SAAR and Nanite
DPS: 143 / 163 overheated
Speed:  1038 m/s
Capacitor lasts: 1m 7s
Optimal range:  7.6km
Cost:  15m ISK approx.

This is, in my view, the finest Incursus fit known to humanity.  If you have the skills to fit it, that is, because it’s tight.  This fit - or variations of it - have accouned for tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of ship kills over the years.

It works.  It’s not cheap, but it works.  It’s a minute long ‘seat of pants’ ride, and it requires being close enough to get a scram / web on your opponent from the outset, but once you do it’s one of the best T1 frig fits out there.

Pre-set your Orbit range so that in reality you are orbiting at exactly 7km.

How to fly it
  • Pre-heat the guns and the SAAR.
  • Launch your drone, set to aggressive.  It won’t bring loads to the party, but every little helps.
  • If you’re in a plex already, make sure you’re in range to approach them (overheat the AB if necessary) grab them with the scram and then the web as they land.  This is crucial.
  • Orbit at 7km, fire guns.
  • As soon as you see your shield strength dropping and you’re about to go into armor, fire up the repper.
If a kite manages to wriggle free, all is not necessarily lost.  Reload your guns with Spike, giving you the ability to shoot to nearly 28k out – enough for you to be hitting your opponent consistently.  With any luck they’ll be keeping you at range, giving you decent enough tracking to score damage.

You will finish many fights deep into structure with this fit.  But the classic 7k scramkite Incursus is one of the most effective T1 frigate fits for plex fighting.  It’s a proven winner.


Light Ion Blaster II / Federation Navy Antimatter S
Light Ion Blaster II / Federation Navy Antimatter S
Light Ion Blaster II / Federation Navy Antimatter S

1MN Afterburner II
Warp Scrambler II
Small Capacitor Booster II / Navy Cap Booster 400 x 13

Small Armour Repairer II
Small Ancillary Armor Repairer  / Nanite Repair Paste
200mm Reinforced Steel Plates II
Damage Control II

Small Ancillary Current Router I
Small Auxilliary Nano Pump I
Small Auxilliary Nano Pump I

All skills at V: 

EHP: 4638.3 with rep rate of 171.7 EHP with both reppers running.
DPS: 154 / 174 overheated
Speed:  1081 m/s
Capacitor lasts: 31s, but an additional 400 cap injected every 25 seconds or so.
Optimal range:  937m
Cost:  16.4m

The dual rep incursus is considered by many to be a Curate’s Egg of a fit.  Yes, it reps like a bastard, giving it insane EHP over the duration of an average fight. It can pretty much tank a full flight of 5 Hobgoblin II’s without breaking sweat.  It’s probably the most difficult T1 frigate to kill, overall, given its stamina.

But to keep both reppers going, it gobbles down power at a rate of knots.  And to fuel it properly, you need to fit a Cap Booster in the mids into which you must shovel Navy Cap Booster 400s as quick as you can load them.

Only the Navy Cap Booster 400s will do, mind.  Each round takes 12 seconds, plus another 12 -13s to reload, but this is way more efficient than 2 lots of 200.

Ultimately this cap boosting situation means you are faced with being able to fit only two of MWD or AB, Web or Scram, when you ideally need three.

So the best combination for a heavy, slow ship with two free mid slots like this is ultimately AB and scram, given the following scenarios:
  • Solo against another blaster brawler, and it is likely they’re going to want to get into the same range as you anyway.  The web won’t matter, unless they want to flee.
  • Things could be tricky against a mid-range scram kiter fitted with AB / web / scram.  In this case, you want to switch to Null and still do some damage at the falloff of your blaster range, hopefully out-tanking them.  Their cap might run out before your tank.  Or your mates might arrive to save you.
  • Against an MWD / long point kite, you absolutely have to catch your opponent from the outset and switch off that MWD with your scram.  Your AB should enable you to haul them into blaster range.  But if they wriggle free, you’re in trouble as your blasters ain’t going to reach and that single drone isn’t going to deliver the win on its own. 
It’s also a pretty tight fit.  If you’re having trouble squeezing it all on where powergrid is concerned, drop the 200m Reinforced Steel Plates II down to a 200m Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I instead.

There is another alternative damage option, which gives you a bit more range – use rails instead.  75mm Gatling II’s fit on with ease, enabling you to swap the Ancilliary Current Router I for a Small Trimark Armor Pump or a Small Hybid Collision Accelerator I rig instead.  Or just lump on 125mm Prototype Gauss Guns.  In both cases your DPS and tracking takes a big hit, but you weigh that against the increase in range and the fact you're in a turbo-repping, long-lasting tank.

Having said that, in small gangs or frigate fleet fights the blaster version is a real handful, getting into the thick of the action and tearing chunks into scrammed / webbed enemy ships.  It’s packing as much equivalent EHP as a meaty destroyer like an Algos, and can tank a lot of damage in the process.

However, it is a proper tank. With 13 Navy Cap Booster 400s in your cargo, you can tank for about 6-7 minutes non-stop.  Get it out front.  Get it primaried and taking the lions share of damage and the other frigates in your fleet will thank you.


Light Neutron Blaster II / Federation Navy Antimatter S
Light Neutron Blaster II / Federation Navy Antimatter S
Light Neutron Blaster II / Federation Navy Antimatter S

1MN Afterburner II
X5 Prototype Engine Enervator
J5b Phased Prototype Warp Scrambler I

Damage Control II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Small Ancillary Armor Repairer / Nanite Repair Paste
Adaptive Nano Plating II

Small Hybrid Burst Aerator I
Small Hybrid Collision Accelerator I

Hobgoblin II x 1

All skills at 5: 

EHP: 3564 with rep rate of 90.2 using the SAAR and nanite
DPS: 225 / 256 with heat
Speed:  1129 m/s
Capacitor: 1m 10s
Optimal range: 1125m.  Get in close
Cost:  10.9m ISK

This is about the most damaging Incursus you can throw at the enemy while still retaining some reasonable tank.  It does a highly respectable 225 DPS, rising to 256 with heat – that’s quite impressive for a T1 frigate.  The repper also brings a decent tank to the party, assuming your opponent is still standing before you hit armor, that is.

It is also an ultra-tight fit, so you may need to meta down the DC and / or the Adaptive Nano Plating to make it fit.  Leave the T2 neutrons if you can, though.

1 comment:

  1. I'm really hoping that this site isn't DOA and it'll get refreshed for the new Alpha state. I'm showing up late for the FW party and would like more fitting guides (with explanations) than what Reddit currently offers. Jahbulon, you're my only hope...
